Papers & Articles

Policy and Research Working Papers

Government of Pakistan Reform and Restructuring Reports

Other Papers and newspaper articles

Papers Presented at Conferences and Seminars - International

In the USA as Public Policy Fellow at Woodrow Wilson Center (June 2016-Feb 2017)

Outside the USA

Papers Presented at Conferences and Seminars - Nigeria

Papers Presented at Conferences and Seminars - Pakistan

External stories and comments

Policy and Research Working Papers:

  1. “The Macroeconomics of Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results and Lessons.” World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper No. 1365, October 1994.

  1. Why Do Some Economies Adjust More Successfully Than Others? Lessons from Seven African Countries”, World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper No. 1364, October 1994.

  1. “Trade, Aid and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results and Lessons.” World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper No. 1214, November 1993.

  1. "Poverty and Structural Adjustment: The African Case", World Bank HRO Working Paper No.9, September 1993.

  1. “Capital Flows to Asian and South Asian Countries”. Co-Author Kwang Jun. World Bank, PRE Working Paper No. 842, January 1992.

  1. How did the Asian Countries Avoid the Debt Crisis”. World Bank, PRE Working Paper No. 785, October 1991.

  1. “Future Financing Needs and the Constraints on Scope of Action.” Co-Author with S. Mitra. World Bank, PPR Working Paper, 1989.

Government of Pakistan Reform and Restructuring Reports:
  1. Expenditure Management

  2. Civil Service Reform

  3. Financing of National Highway Authority

  4. Reorganizing the Federal Government

  5. Pakistan International Airlines

  6. Pakistan Railways

  7. Federal Board of Revenue

  8. Competition Commission of Pakistan

  9. Auditor General of Pakistan

  10. Pakistan Agriculture Research Council

  11. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

  12. Capital Development Authority

  13. Evacuee Property Trust Board

  14. Civil Aviation Authority

  15. Report on Financial Performance of SOEs

Other Papers and newspaper articles:

  1. "Alternatives to new Varsity", DAWN, March 22, 2025

  2. "A Life without IMF South Asia", November 2024 issue

  3. "Climate Finance : Prospects and Perils Key note address delivered at Pre COP Conference at Islamabad held on", October 28, 2024

  4. "Three-year reform plan for IMF exit strategy", Dawn, October 06, 2024

  5. "Possible Exit Strategy from the IMF Programme", Dawn, September 19, 2024

  6. "Home-grown economic plans", Dawn, June 8, 2024

  7. "COMMENT: Short-term sacrifices, long-term gains", Dawn, March 14, 2024

  8. "Good Governane in Pakistan-Civil Society Perspective on the eve of National Elections", CGR, January 22, 2024

  9. "Sartaj Aziz: public service embodied", The News, January 06, 2024

  10. "Consortium for Development Research ; Insights for Change, Towards Industrial Policy 2.0 Part II", September 2023

  11. "Governance system for local governments - Part 2, Pakistan Today Profit", 10 September 2023

  12. "Governance system for local governments - Part 1, Pakistan Today Profit", 4-10 September 2023

  13. "Consortium for Policy Development Research: Insights for change, Towards Industrial Policy 2.0", Part I, August 2023

  14. "A look at the provincial budgets", The News, June 06, 2023

  15. "Economic Consequences of Budgetary Options", DAWN, June 5, 2023

  16. "Consortium for Development Policy Research, Insights for Change: Reviving Agriculture growth", Part II, June 2023

  17. "Consortium for Development Policy Research, Insights for Change: Reviving Agriculture growth", Part I, May 2023

  18. "Towards Industrial Policy 2.0", The News, May 12, May 19, May 26, June 02, June 09, 2023

  19. "Reviving agricultural growth: Part – VI", THE NEWS, May 05, 2023

  20. "Reviving agricultural growth: Part – V", THE NEWS, April 28, 2023

  21. "Reviving agricultural growth: Part – IV", THE NEWS, April 21, 2023

  22. "Reviving agricultural growth: Part – III", THE NEWS, April 14, 2023

  23. "Reviving agricultural growth: Part – II", THE NEWS, April 07, 2023

  24. "Reviving agricultural growth: Part – I", THE NEWS, March 31, 2023

  25. "Pakistan's Economy under President Musharraf", South Asia Magazine, March 2023

  26. "Governance for local governments: Part - IV", THE NEWS, March 24, 2023

  27. "Governance for local governments: Part - III", THE NEWS, March 17, 2023

  28. "Governance for local governments: Part - II", THE NEWS, March 10, 2023

  29. "Governance for local governments: Part - I", THE NEWS, March 3, 2023

  30. "Policies for digital banking: Part - II", THE NEWS, February 24, 2023

  31. "Policies for digital banking: Part - I", THE NEWS, February 17, 2023

  32. "Recalibrating governance - Part IV", THE NEWS, February 10, 2023

  33. "Recalibrating governance - Part III", THE NEWS, February 03, 2023

  34. "Recalibrating governance - Part II", THE NEWS, January 27, 2023

  35. "The 'awam' and reform", Dawn, January 22, 2023

  36. "Recalibrating governance - Part I", THE NEWS, January 20, 2023

  37. "Fixing the taxation system - Part IV", THE NEWS, January 13, 2023

  38. "Fixing the taxation system - Part III", THE NEWS, January 06, 2023

  39. "Don't Disturb Democracy", Dawn, January 5, 2023

  40. "Fixing the taxation system - Part II", THE NEWS, December 30, 2022

  41. "Fixing the taxation system - Part I", THE NEWS, December 23, 2022

  42. "The future of our economy - Part III", THE NEWS, December 09, 2022

  43. "The future of our economy - Part II", THE NEWS, December 02, 2022

  44. "The future of our economy - Part I", THE NEWS, November 25, 2022

  45. "Sindh: floods and rural economy - Part III", THE NEWS, November 18, 2022

  46. "Sindh: floods and rural economy - Part II", THE NEWS, November 11, 2022

  47. "Sindh: floods and rural economy - Part I", THE NEWS, November 04, 2022

  48. "Resetting Foreign Economic Relations: Part - III", THE NEWS, October 28, 2022

  49. "Resetting Foreign Economic Relations: Part - III", THE NEWS, October 28, 2022

  50. "Resetting Foreign Economic Relations: Part - II", THE NEWS, October 21, 2022

  51. "Resetting Foreign Economic Relations: Part - I", THE NEWS, October 14, 2022

  52. "Economic Prospects of Gilgit Baltistan: Part - III", THE NEWS, October 7, 2022

  53. "Economic Prospects of Gilgit Baltistan: Part - II", THE NEWS, September 30, 2022

  54. "Economic Prospects of Gilgit Baltistan: Part - I", THE NEWS, September 23, 2022

  55. "India's Economy at 75, Part - III", THE NEWS, September 16, 2022

  56. "India's Economy at 75, Part - II", THE NEWS, September 9, 2022

  57. "Disaster and Devolution", THE NEWS, September 2, 2022

  58. "India's economy at 75: Part - I", The News International, August 26, 2022

  59. "Seventy-five years of Pakistan's economy", The News International, August 19, 2022

  60. "High Time to live in the Modern World ", Dawn, August 14, 2022

  61. "Remodeling the Red Brigade ", Dawn, August 14, 2022

  62. "Repairing provincial finance", The News International, August 12, 2022

  63. "How General Musharraf restructured the Economy, South Asia Magazine Cover story", August 2022

  64. "Political disruption, panic behind temporary liquidity crisis", The News International, August 05, 2022

  65. "The Sri Lanka paradox [Part – II]", The News International, July 29, 2022

  66. "Rebuilding Human Capital", The NEWS, July 1, 8, 15, 2022

  67. "The Sri Lanka paradox [Part – I]", The News International, July 22, 2022

  68. "Policy underpinnings of budget", The News International, June 10, 2022

  69. "How to break a vicious cycle [Part - II]", The News International, June 03, 2022

  70. "How to break a vicious cycle [Part - I]", The News International, May 27, 2022

  71. "Consortiums for Development and Research: insights for change, The Future of SOEs" May, 2022

  72. "The future of SOEs [Part - III]", The News International, May 20, 2022

  73. "The future of SOEs [Part - II]", The News International, May 13, 2022

  74. "The future of SOEs [Part - I]", The News International, May 06, 2022

  75. "Pakistan and the STEAM economy [Part - III]", The News International, April 29, 2022

  76. "SIR - Save, implement and review", The News international, April 15, 2022

  77. "Pakistan and the STEAM economy [Part - II]", The News International, April 22, 2022

  78. "Pakistan and the STEAM economy [Part - I]", The News International, April 08, 2022

  79. "The future of SOEs [Part - I]", The News International, May 06, 2022

  80. "Economic costs of judicial (in)actions [Part – II]", The News, April 01, 2022

  81. "Economic costs of judicial (in)actions [Part I]", The News, March 25, 2022

  82. "East Asia's inclusive growth model [Part – IV]", The News, March 18, 2022

  83. "East Asia's inclusive growth model [Part – III]", The News, March 11, 2022

  84. "East Asia's inclusive growth model [Part – II]", The News, March 04, 2022

  85. "East Asia’s inclusive growth model [Part - I]", The News, February 25, 2022

  86. "Reforms: institutional impediments [Part - III]", The News, February 18, 2022

  87. "Reforms: institutional impediments (Part - II)", The News, February 04, 2022

  88. "Reforms: institutional impediments (Part - I)", The News, January 28, 2022

  89. "Government: size, growth, function", The News, January 7, 2022

  90. "Dissecting public expenditure (Part - II)", The News, January 21, 2022

  91. "Dissecting public expenditure (Part - I)", The News, January 14, 2022

  92. "Deficient data", The News, December 24, 2021

  93. "The Bangladesh story", DAWN, December 16, 2021

  94. "Enhancing Export Competitiveness Part V", The NEWS December 17, 2021

  95. "Enhancing Export Competitiveness Part IV", The NEWS December 10, 2021

  96. "Enhancing Export Competitiveness Part III", The NEWS December 03, 2021

  97. "Enhancing Export Competitiveness Part II", The NEWS November 26, 2021

  98. "Enhancing Export Competitiveness Part I", The NEWS November 19, 2021

  99. "Balochistan's development", Dawn, November 18, 2021

  100. "Politics and the economy", The NEWS November 12, 2021

  101. "Anatomy of inflation (Part-II)", The News, November 05, 2021

  102. "Financing climate transition", DAWN, November 4, 2021

  103. "Anatomy of inflation (Part-I)", The News, November 04, 2021

  104. "Markets and disinformation", Dawn, October 21, 2021

  105. "The Mighty Challenge", Narratives Magazine, October 18, 2021

  106. "Collapse of an elitist state", Dawn, September 29, 2021

  107. "Dissecting the government’s civil service reforms agenda" - An interview with Dr. Ishrat Husain by Recorder Report on November 1, 2019

  108. "Capacity to reform", Dawn, August 13, 2018 word document

  109. "Expectations & Delivery gap", Dawn, August 6, 2018 word document

  110. "Economic Policymaking", Dawn, July 30, 2018 word document

  111. "Expat Pakistani talent", DAWN, June 11, 2018 word document

  112. "Interview with The Herald", May 2018 issue word document

  113. "Interview with The Newsline", April 2018 word document

  114. "Development Beyond Seventy: The Way Forward", A publication of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), February 2018 (Urdu Translation) word document

  115. "Who is afraid of China?", Newsline, February 2018 word document

  116. "Avoiding the crisis", BOL Narratives Magazine, February 2018 word document

  117. "Keeping an organization healthy", StateBank NEWS, October 2017 word document

  118. "The upsides and downsides of Devaluation", Business Recorder October 4, 2017 word document

  119. "A pragmatic approach to Foreign Policy", DAWN, September 30, 2017 word document

  120. "Chinese perceptions of the CPEC", DAWN, September 12, 2017 word document

  121. "Tariffs, Trade and Taxation", Dawn July 10, 2017 word document

  122. "Shrinking Exports", The Narratives May 2017 word document

  123. "Interview with Business Recorder Research", May 2, 2017 word document

  124. "Financing for Development", UNDP Development Advocate Vol 4 No 1; 2017 word document

  125. "A golden opportunity", DAWN, April 25, 2017 word document

  126. "Policy imperatives for CPEC", Dawn, April 10, 2017 word document

  127. "Financing Burden of CPEC", Feb 11, 2017 word document

  128. "The economics of CPEC", Dawn, Jan 3, 2017 word document

  129. "The revolt against elitism", DAWN, Nov 10, 2016 word document

  130. "A Skeptic's View of international Development", DAWN, Oct 10, 2016 word document

  131. "Action at Full Speed", DAWN, Oct 18, 2016 word document

  132. "Reorienting Pak-US ties", DAWN, Sept 7, 2016 word document

  133. "Coping with an Uncertain Future", Express Tribune, June 28, 2016 word document

  134. "Pakistan's daunting deficits", Dawn, Jan 22 word document

  135. "To be or not be independent", Dawn Banking Awards Supplement May 13 word document

  136. "Messy & Hidden Urbanization", Dawn, May 16 word document

  137. "Reformer- in- Chief", Interview in The Herald, May 2016 word document

  138. "Private participation in Defense Industry Blue Chip", Jan 2016 word document

  139. "Pakistan Diaspora, Blue Chip", April 2016

  140. "Policy Framework for the Budget", DAWN, March 28, 2016 word document

  141. "Coordination Failure", DAWN, Dec 22, 2015 word document

  142. "Markets, Society and Economy", Blue Chip magazine Oct 2015 word document

  143. "Democratic Governance", Blue Chip magazine, July 2015 word document

  144. "A Roadmap for Governance Reforms", BLUE CHIP Magazine, April 14, 2015 word document

  145. "The post-IMF agenda", DAWN, July 13, 2015 word document

  146. "Budgets and the real economy", DAWN, June 20, 2015 word document

  147. "Public-private partnerships", DAWN, June 2, 2015 word document

  148. "Health of the economy", DAWN, May 13, 2015 word document

  149. "Pakistan as a regional manufacturing hub?", Business Recorder, April 12, 2015 word document

  150. "Pak-Afghan Economic Ties", DAWN, Feb 14, 2015 word document

  151. "Deregulating the Economy", DAWN, Nov 15, 2014 word document

  152. The Cancer of Sifarish”, DAWN, August 30, 2014 word document

  153. "Interview with Express Tribune", July 17, 2014 word document

  154. Delinking from Global Economy”, DAWN, July 5, 2014 word document

  155. Provincial Finances”, DAWN, June 21, 2014 word document

  156. Till Debt Do we Part”, Newsweek, June 7, 2014 word document

  157. "Policy Direction for the Budget", DAWN, May 30, 2014 word document

  158. "Economic Governance wins in India", Express Tribune, May 25, 2014 word document

  159. "State’s Role in Business", DAWN, May 10, 2014 word document

  160. "Promoting Islamic Finance", DAWN, April 12, 2014 word document

  161. "It is time to rethink", Agriculture supplement DAWN, March 13, 2014 word document

  162. "Stubborn Taxation Regime", DAWN, March 11, 2014 word document

  163. "The Last Mile Journey" , DAWN, Feb 21, 2014 word document

  164. "Bureaucracy needs Reforms", DAWN, Jan 25, 2014 word document

  165. What ought to happen in 2014?” The Express Tribune, Jan 1, 2014

  166. Finding Real Relevance”, DAWN Aurora, Jan-Feb, 2014 

  167. Don't Disturb the Consensus”, Foreign Policy (FP), Dec 18, 2013

  168. Regulating the NGO sector”, DAWN, Dec 17, 2013

  169. "Inefficiency in Exports", The News, Nov 25, 2013 word document

  170. "Formulating Public Policy", DAWN, Nov 14, 2013 word document

  171. "Stability with Growth", DAWN, Oct 23, 2013 word document

  172. "Jobs and Urbanization", The News, Oct 21, 2013 word document

  173. "Fall of the Rupee", DAWN, September 25, 2013 word document

  174. "The Nexus of Human Capital and Governance", The News, September 23, 2013 word document

  175. "Pakistan’s Policy-performance Gap", The News, July 29, 2013 word document

  176. "In search of a Foreign Economic Policy", The News, July 1, 2013 word document

  177. Short-run Governance Reforms”, The Express Tribune, June 1, 2013 word document

  178. "The IMF Dilemma", DAWN, May 24, 2013 word document

  179. "Swallowing the Bitter Pill", The News, May 13, 2013 word document

  180. "Agriculture Vision 2030 is Vital", DAWN Agriculture Supplement, April 4, 2013 word document

  181. "Reviving an Ailing Economy", The News, April 1, 2013 word document

  182. "Big Bang Opportunity", DAWN, March 11, 2013 word document

  183. "The Youth Bulge", The News , March 4, 2013 word document

  184. "Risky Business", The News, January 14, 2013 word document

  185. "India-Pakistan Trade: Recent Developments, Future Prospects and Risks", Criterion Quarterly, January 2013 word document

  186. "Trading with India", The News, December 3, 2012 word document

  187. “How to Build Trust”, The Indian EXPRESS, December 1, 2012 word document

  188. "Interview with BLUE CHIP Magazine", November 2012 word document

  189. "Politics Vs Economics", The News, October  22, 2012  word document

  190. "The Economics of Corruption", The News, September 16, 2012  word document

  191. "How Green is my Valley", The News, August 13, 2012  word document

  192. "Strategic Location and the Economy", The News, July 23, 2012  word document

  193. "New Fiscal Federalism", The News, June 25, 2012 word document

  194. "The Budget Arithmetic", The News, May 14, 2012 word document

  195. "Flawed Privatization", The News, March 19, 2012 word document

  196. "Judicial Reforms and Economic Growth", The Express Tribune, March 17, 2012 word document

  197. "Interview with Business Line", India word document

  198. "Building Ties without Aid", The News Feb 14, 2012 word document

  199. "Agriculture Sector: Issues and Prospects", Dawn Feb 10, 2012 word document

  200. The Way Out”, The News Jan 9, 2012 word document

  201. "Courting Disaster for Votes", The News Dec 12, 2011 word document

  202. "Parliament’s Role in Economic Governance", The Express Tribune Dec 5, 2011  word document

  203. "Policy-Performance Gap", DAWN Nov 23, 2011 word document

  204. "Trade Recipe for India", The News Nov 14, 2011 word document

  205. "Consequences of Elitism", DAWN Nov 13, 2011 word document

  206. "An Economic Mirage", The News Oct 17, 2011 word document

  207. "Interview with Business Standard", Oct 16, 2011 word document

  208. "Interview with Smart Savings", DAWN Oct 7, 2011 word document

  209. "Subsidising the Rich", The News Sept 19, 2011 word document

  210. "Carnegie Mellon University Adelaide Convocation Address",  August 16, 2011  word document

  211. Pakistan’s Economy at 64”, The News, Aug 15, 2011 word document

  212. The Global Fallout”, DAWN, August 9, 2011 word document

  213. Maximizing Benefits for Devolution”, The News, July 25, 2011 word document

  214. Governance Initiatives”, Pakistan Today, July 20, 2011 word document

  215. Preparing for the Future”, The News, July 4, 2011

  216. Shared Growth”, The Herald Karachi, July 2011 issue

  217. Political Economy of Budget”, The News, June 13, 2011  word document

  218. Budget 2011/12: Analysis”, The Express Tribune, June 5, 2011  word document

  219. “Reforming public sector enterprises”, DAWN, June 2, 2011  word document

  220. US Assistance: Differing Perceptions”, The Express Tribune, May 19, 2011  word document

  221. "Bridging the Governance Deficit", The Express Tribune, April 2 and 3, 2011  word document

  222. "Prospects and Challenges for increasing India-Pakistan Trade", The News, March 24 and 25, 2011 word document

  223. "Pakistan’s Economy Post-Flood", Criterion Quarterly, January-March 2011 word document

  224. "Good Governance for Dummies", NEWSWEEK, February 21, 2011 word document

  225. "Disconnects and Mismatches", DAWN, February  6, 2011 word document

  226. "The inadequacy of our Economic agenda Tribune", The Express Tribune,
    January 25, 2011 word document

  227. "Floods: the next phase",  DAWN, September 8, 2010 word document 

  228. "Tough Economic Decisions", DAWN, October 4, 2010 word document 

  229. “Indo Pak economies compared”,  South Asia magazine, August 2010 word document

  230. "Banking and Monetary policy in 2010, Pakistan in 2010", Jang Group and The Economist, January  2010 word document

  231. Economic Cost of Instability, DAWN, November 2, 2009

  232. "Public entities & political control", DAWN, October 19, 2009 word document 

  233. "Governance Reforms in Education", DAWN, October 5, 2009 word document

  234. "Lessons from Financials Crises", DAWN, September 28, 2009 word document 

  235. "The Indian Dream", DAWN, July 12, 2009 word document

  236. "A confused federalism", DAWN, June 21, 2009 word document

  237. "The Economics of Fundamentalism", Notebook, May 2009  word document

  238. "Pakistan’s Economy 1999/2000 to 2007/08" , Business Review January-June 2009 word document

  239. "Pakistan-US economic ties",  DAWN, April 8, 2009  word document

  240. "Going beyond the IMF", DAWN, March 15, 2009 word document

  241. “Economic Governance in Pakistan”, Criterion, January-March 2009

  242. "Pakistan and trade liberalization", Blue Chip, November-December 2008 word document

  243. "Upgrading business education", DAWN, August 11, 2008 word document

  244. "Reforming The Executive" The News, July 8, 9 and 14, 2008 word document

  245. "Boom and Gloom" Newsline, May 2008 word document

  246. "Governance Reforms in Pakistan" Criterim, April-June 2008 word document

  247. "Reforming Institutions of Governance" DAWN, January 7, 2008 word document

  248. "Pakistan and Indian Economies– Sixty Years Later" –"Blue Chip , December 2007 word document

  249. "The Politics of Economics Policy Reforms", CRITERION, Oct-Dec 2007

  250. "Surge in Islamic Finance Service Industry"DAWN, September 2007word document

  251. "Pakistan and Indian Economies – Sixty Years Later"DAWN, August 14, 2007 word document

  252. "Reforming the Executive", The News, August 8,9,14 2007

  253. Reforming the Government (3 parts)” – The News, May 24, 26 & 30, 2007 word document

  254. How Critical is US Assistance?” – DAWN, April 16, 2007; Business Recorder, April 17, 2007; Khaleej Times, May 31, 2007 word document

  255. Pakistan’s Economic Future” – DAWN, March 23, 2007 word document

  256. Choices for financing fiscal and external deficits” – Blue Chip, January-February 2007 word document

  257. Pakistan’s External Sector: An Analytical Survey”– Blue Chip, January-February  2007 word document

  258. Banking for the poor” – DAWN, Karachi, October 15,2006

  259. Why Reform the Government?” - DAWN, Karachi, July 9, 2006

  260. Pakistan’s investment scenario and Capital markets” – DAWN, Karachi, June 11, 2006 word document

  261. Pakistan Banking Sector” – DAWN, Karachi, May 14, 2006 word document

  262. Elitist orientation of the economy” – DAWN, Karachi, January 7, 2006 word document

  263. Time to look to the East” – DAWN, Karachi, December 31, 2005

  264. “Banking Sector Reforms in Pakistan”: Blue Chip – The Business People’s Magazine, January 2005.

  265. History of the Banking System in Pakistan”: Blue Chip – The Business People’s Magazine, January 2005.

  266. "Why Pakistan should exit the IMF Programme?" Reproduced from article published in the Daily DAWN on February 29, and March 1, 2004.

  267. Why Forex Reserves?Management Accountant (2003)

  268. "Why should we avoid Populist Economic Policies?" Reproduced from DAWN, issues of November 9-11, 2002.

  269. "Dealing with Non-Performing Loans of Banks" Reproduced from article published in the Daily DAWN on October 21-22, 2002.

  270. "Why does Pakistan have to Accumulate Foreign Reserves?" Reproduced form Daily DAWN, Karachi: August 1, 2 and 3 2002.

  271. Economic Challenges Facing Pakistan”. Trade Chronicle (2001)

  272. “Domestic Debt and its Macroeconomic Effects”. Journal of the Institute of Bankers Pakistan (1998)

  273. Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Preliminary Evaluation." Paper prepared for the GCA Meeting at Cotomou, June 1993.

  274. "Reorientation of Nigeria's Industrial Policies". Nigerian Enterprise, April 1985.

  275. "Missing Links in Pakistan's Development." Pakistan Economist, June 1982.

  276. "A Short-Term Employment Strategy for Pakistan." A paper prepared for Pakistan Economic Conference, 1975.

  277. "Local Finance in Sind." Pakistan Study Group on Local Government, November 1975.

  278. "Food Resources in Pakistan." Pakistan Economist, March 1975.

  279. “An Appraisal of Japanese Tax System.” Finance, Taxation and Company Law, April 1974.

  280. “A Development Policy for Pakistan.” Pakistan Economist, March 1973.

  281. “Industrialization in Pakistan: Labour Intensive vs. Capital Intensive.” Pakistan Economist, October 1972.

  282. “An Analysis of the Assumption made in the Cornelius Report”. NIPA Journal (1969)



  1. "Identifying new opportunities and new modalities for fostering Regional cooperation in South Asia" Presented at South Asian Economic summit XIV held at Dhaka on November 4-5, 2023

  2. "Inequality and Multilateralism" High level Ministerial summit of ESCAP, Bangkok May 15, 2018

  3. "Financial stability and Islamic Finance", Invited Public Lecture at the Annual Meeting of IFSB, Kuwait May 1, 2018

  4. "Financing for Development", Paper presented at the international Forum for Economic Cooperation, Beijing March 17, 2017

  5. "South Asian Economy: Progress, Policies and Prospects" at the International workshop on Macroeconomic stability, Private sector and Economic Growth held at Dhaka on Dec14-15, 2015

  6. Towards South Asia Economic Union, Distinguished Lecture delivered at JMI”, New Delhi , Sept 11, 2014 and “Introductory remarks at India International Centre”, New Delhi, Sept 12, 2014  word document

  7. "The Evolution of Pakistan’s Socio Economic Situation", An assessment: French Institute of International Affairs and Embassy of Pakistan, Paris, May 20, 2014 word document

  8. "Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Pakistan", OECD Symposium on Innovation for Inclusive Growth at Paris, March 20-21, 2014 word document

  9. Reviving India-Pakistan Economic Relations”, Keynote address delivered at the Conference organized by ICRIER at New Delhi on Jan 21, 2014 word document

  10. "Islamic Finance for Development: Prospects and Inclusive Growth", A paper presented at Asian Development Bank Conference held at Manila on Nov 4, 2013 word document

  11. "South Asia: Potential for Development", Key note address delivered at South Asian Rotary Summit held at Hyderabad, India on May 3, 2013 word document

  12. "Normalizing India-Pakistan Trade Relations", Distinguished Lecture delivered at ICRIER, New Delhi, Feb 5, 2013 word document

  13. "Education and Just Development", Keynote address at The Citizens Foundation Fund raising event held at Seattle, USA, Oct 13, 2012 word document

  14. "The Future of the World Bank", Williams College Conference on "The Future of the World Bank and the IMF" held at Williamstown, USA, Sept 26, 2012 word document

  15. "Managing Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy under uncertainty", Key note address to the participants of the Central Bank course organized by SECAN and Bank of Japan at Manila, July 30, 2012

  16. "Revisiting Regulatory Regime for the Financial Industry", Distinguished Lecture delivered at Asian Institute of Finance, KL, Malaysia, May 23, 2012 pdf document

  17. "Managing India-Pakistan Trade", Woodrow Wilson Center conference, Washington DC, April 23, 2012 word document

  18. "Pakistan’s Governance Deficit", Seminar on Pakistan: Charting a course for Revival organized by the Friends of Europe at Brussels on Jan 26, 2012  word document

  19. "Reordering Economic Relations with the US", Stanford US-Pakistan Economic Dialogue held at Palo Alto on Jan 22-24, 2012  word document

  20. "The Role of Central Banks in Driving the Development Agenda", A paper presented at the 2nd OIC Experts Workshop organized by bank Negara Malaysia at Kulalampur Nov 13-14, 2011  word document

  21. Economic Integration in South Asia,  A paper presented at South Asia Forum held at New Delhi on Sept 8, 2011 word document

  22. Drivers of Globalization, Paper presented at the International Conference on Business Education held at New Delhi Feb 5-6, 2011  word document

  23. Macroeconomic Reforms in Developing countries and Global Financial crisis, 50th anniversary celebrations of Center for Development Economics, Williams College, Williamstown, USA Oct 13, 2010 word document

  24. Pakistan’s Economic Prospects – Challenges and Opportunities, A paper presented at the Seminar on “Pakistan – China Relations in the 21st Century” held at Beijing on March 18, 2010 word document

  25. Reviewing Structural Reforms in India and Pakistan, SABER/EABER Conference, Canberra, Feb11-12, 2010  word document

  26. Impact of the Crisis on Poverty and Access to Finance in Developing countries , KFW Financial sector symposium , Berlin Dec 2-4, 2009 word document

  27. Securing Development in the context of weak and Fragile states, Opening remarks at the Learning Event jointly organized by CIDA and Aga Khan Foundation, Canada, Ottawa, June 19, 2009 word document

  28. Financial Reforms and Economic Integration: The Case of Pakistan: Presented as a Discussant at the Conference on Financial Reform and Asian Economic Integration organized by the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences at Beijing, China, on May 14-15, 2009 word document

  29. Micro foundations of Economic Performance in Asia: Conference organized by NCAER/EABER at New Delhi April 3-4, 2008. word document

  30. Panel on Islamic Finance: Address delivered at the Malaysia – World Islamic Economic Forum Kuala Lumpur, May 29th 2007. word document

  31. Reforming Pakistan Challenges, Strategies and Prospectus: Lecture delivered at Institute of South Asian Studies, Singapore, June 4 2007. word document

  32. Pakistan: Prospects for Economic Growth and Challenges: Presentation made at a seminar organized by South Asia Region of the World Bank at Washington DC, August 20, 2007. word document

  33. Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation: International Seminar organized by the Institute of Strategic and International Studies at Kualalumpur, September 3, 2007. word document

  34. International Capital Flows and Development: A paper prepared for the North South Round Table Seminar held at New York on September 21, 2007.

  35. International Capital Flows and Development: A paper prepared for the North South Round Table Seminar held at New York on September 21, 2007.

  36. Risk Management for the Banking Sector in Globalizing economy: Keynote address at South Asia Management Forum, Dhaka, February 24-25 2007.

  37. Pakistan Recent Economic Developments and Future Prospects: RUSI/ IPRIO seminar on Pakistan London, April 17, 2007. word document

  38. A cross-sectoral approach to Islamic finance: IFSB Summit, Dubai, May 15-16, 2007. word document

  39. Malaysia – Pakistan economic cooperation: Malaysia – Pakistan Business Forum, Kuala Lumpur, May 27, 2007. word document

  40. Transforming non-governmental organizations into regulated Microfinance institutions at Global Microcredit Summit at Halifax, Canada: Paper presented at a panel - November 10-16, 2006. word document

  41. Banking Sector Reforms: Pakistan case study presented at IMF High level seminar on Banking Sector Reforms at Toledo, Spain November 2-3, 2006 word document

  42. Banking Sector Reforms – Lessons from Pakistan: Paper presented to the Bank of Indonesia on July 04, 2006 word document

  43. Economic Policy Reforms in Pakistan 1999-2006: Paper presented at the Seminar on Economic policy reforms held at Stanford University, June 01-03, 2006 word document

  44. Prudential arrangements for stability and Development of Islamic Finance: Paper presented at the Islamic Financial Services Board Summit held at Beirut, May 17-18, 2006 word document

  45. Future Challenges for Islamic Financial Services Industry: Paper presented at the World Bank Seminar on April 24, 2006 word document

  46. Islamic Financial Services Industry: The European Challenges Keynote Address at the Islamic Financial Services Forum organized by the Islamic Financial Services Board and the Central Bank of Luxembourg at Luxembourg on November 8, 2005.

  47. Structural Reforms In Pakistan’s Economy: Public lecture delivered at the Indian Business School, Hyderabad, India on October 7, 2005.

  48. Global Banking: Paradigm Shift: Chairman’s Inaugural Address at the Session on “Regulatory Issues’ held at the International Conference organized by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Indian Banking Association at Mumbai on October 6, 2005.

  49. Pakistan’s Development Challenges for the Coming Decade – How can Overseas Pakistanis Help? Keynote Speech delivered at the Pakistani Professionals Forum held in Toronto, Canada, on October 1, 2005.

  50. Poverty Reduction Strategy of Pakistan: Address delivered at the Seminar on “Challenges Ahead for Pakistan’s Economy” held by the Asia Society at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, D.C. on September 27. 2005.

  51. Pakistan’s Economic Achievements, Prospects and Challenges: Address delivered at a seminar held at the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington D.C. on April 15, 2005.

  52. Education, Employment and Economic Development in Pakistan: Inaugural Address delivered at the Conference on Education held at Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C. on April 15, 2005

  53. Pakistan’s Economic Turnaround An Untold Story
    Reproduced from the Pakistan Supplement Global Agenda, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2005 held at Davos in January, 2005.

  54. Future Outlook And Prospects For Pakistan’s Economy. Address delivered at the Seminar organized by the Pakistan Bankers Association, U.K. at London on January 17, 2005.

  55. Pakistan’s Economic Progress since 2000: False DAWN or a Promising Start. A Paper presented at a Seminar at the School of Advanced and International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. on October 6, 2004.

  56. Effectiveness of Policies and Reforms: A Country Perspective. Remarks delivered at the World Bank OED Conference on Effectiveness of Policies and Reforms held at Washington D.C., on October 4, 2004.

  57. Economic Challenges Facing Pakistan: The Role of the United States. A Paper presented at a Seminar at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C. on September 30, 2004.

  58. Financial Sector Reforms in Pakistan. A Paper read at the Italy-Pakistan Trade and Investment Conference held at Rome on September 28, 2004.

  59. Harmonization of the Banking Sector in SAARC Region. Keynote address at the South Asian Federation of Accountants Conference held in New Delhi on August 28, 2004.

  60. Future Challenges Facing South Asian Economies. Speech delivered at Central Bank Anniversary Lecture 2004 held at Colombo on August 26, 2004.

  61. Economic Development in South Asia and the Impact of Globalization. Speech delivered at the Middle East and South Asia Conference of KPMG held at Bahrain on July 11, 2004.

  62. Finance, Growth and Poverty - The Experience Of Pakistan. Presented at the World Bank PREM Conference on Growth Strategies held at Washington D.C., on April 28, 2004.

  63. Policy Considerations before Bank Privatization - Country Experience Presentation made at the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Brookings Institution Conference on "The Role of State-Owned Financial Institutions: Policy and Practice" held at Washington D.C., on April 27, 2004..

  64. The Future Prospects of The Islamic Financial Service Industry. Presentation made at the Annual General Assembly meeting of Islamic Financial Services Board held at Nusua Dua, Indonesia on March 31, 2004.

  65. Economy of Pakistan: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Keynote address at the Conference on Islamization and the Pakistani Economy held at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. on January 27, 2004.

  66. What Have We Learnt From The Decade Of 1990's? Remarks made at the Embassy of Pakistan Seminar held at Washington D.C., on January 26, 2004.

  67. Why Should Foreign Investors Choose Pakistan As Their Destination? Remarks delivered at Euromoney Seminar on Pakistan: Investment Destination held at Dubai on September 21, 2003.

  68. Views on Public Sector Banks: Pakistan’s Experience. Presentation made at the the World Bank Conference on “Transforming Public Sector Banks” at Washington D.C. on April 9, 2003. Download Presentation

  69. Reforms of Public Sector Banks - Case Study of Pakistan. A paper prepared for the World Bank Conference on “Transforming Public Sector Banks" at Washington D.C. on April 9, 2003.

  70. Islamic Finance and Pakistan's Efforts in the Financial War on Terrorism. A paper presented at the conference on "The Financial War on Terrorism: The Contribution of Islamic Banking" held at Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, London on April 7-8, 2003.

  71. Learnings from the International Conference on“Challenges to Central Banking from Globalized Financial System” Held at the IMF in Washington D.C. September 16-17, 2002.

  72. Economic Reforms and Macroeconomic Management in Pakistan (1999-�2001). Paper presented at the Brookings Institution, Washington DC, Asia Society, New York and the Institute of International Bankers, New York on 15-16 April, 2002.

  73. Reforming Pakistan's Economy Performance, Progress, Prospects and Problems. Speech delivered in Washington DCI New York on April 9, 2002.

  74. Conditionality and Ownership.Remarks made as a panelist at the Seminar on Conditionality and Ownership organized by IMF, World Bank and Commonwealth Secretariat at London on July 23-24, 2001.

  75. Pakistan and the IMF: 1988-2002 A paper presented at the International Expert Workshop organized by the German Foundation for Development (DSE) at Berlin on July 1 – 2, 2002

  76. Conference on Analytical Country Studies on Growth. Summary of remarks as an invited Discussant at the at the Center for International Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, held on April 20-21, 2001.

  77. SBP’s Role in Promoting Microfinance Institutions. Remarks at the Asia Pacific Micro Credit Summit held at New Delhi on February 3, 2001.

  78. Economic and Investment Prospects in Pakistan. Presentation made at Adam Smith Seminar, Stockholm on October 1-3, 2000.

  79. Trade and Environment. Asian Development Bank, Manila, May 28 - 29, 1995.

  80. Paying for China's Infrastructure, Conference on China's Economic Reforms. Wilton Park, Winston House, W. Sussex, England, February 27 - March 3, 1995.

  81. China: Recent Capital Market Developments and Lessons from the Mexican Crisis, Resident Mission, Beijing, February 23, 1995.

  82. Macroeconomic aspects of Debt Management, Harvard Institute of International Development, July 25, 1-994.

  83. Problematique of African External Finance, 5th Conference of African Finance Ministers organized by ECA at Libbreville, Gabon, February 1-2, 1994.

  84. Seminars on African Adjustment Study: Addis Ababa, January 13, 1994; Nairobi, March 16, 1994; Abidjan, March 17, 1994; Accra, March 18, 1994; Paris, March 20, 1994; London, March 21, 1994; Stockholm, March 23, 1994; Frankfurt, May 16, 1994; Clermont Ferrand, May 17, 1994; Harare, May 22, 1994: New York, June 27, 1994.

  85. ECA/OAU Seminar on African Adjustment Study, Addis Ababa, January 14, 1994.

  86. Has Adjustment Helped or Hurt the Poor in Africa? Seminars on World Bank and Poverty: London, October 24, 1993; Madrid, October 26, 1993; Paris, October 28, 1993; The Hague, November 18, 1993; Stockholm, November 19, 1993; Brussels, May 9, 1994; Rome May 10, 1994; Dublin, May 12, 1994.

  87. Structural Adjustment and Long-term Development: International Conference on Adjustment at The Hague, by the Government of Netherlands.

  88. Trade, Aid and Investment: Royal African Society Biennial Conference at Oxford, March 21-23, 1993.

  89. Political Economics of Structural Adjustment - Case Study of Nigeria: Comment on J. Herbst and Olukoshi's paper at the World Bank Conference on Political Economy of Structural Adjustment, held on May 4, 1992.

  90. Capital Flows to Developing Countries: Comments on Susan Collin's paper at the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics held on May I, 1992.

  91. Regional Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Comment on F. Foroutron/World Bank SEPR Conference on Regional Integration, held on April 1-3, 1992.

  92. Structural Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Food Studies Group Seminar at Oxford held on March 24-26, 1992.

  93. Adjustment and the Impact on the Poor: EDI/ADB seminar at Abidjan, held on March 10-14, 1992.

  94. African External Finances in the 1990s: (Co-author J. Underwood): Global Coalition for Africa (GCA.) first Advisory meeting, Paris, held on September 9-10, 1991.

  95. The Debt Problem of Sub-Saharan Africa: North-South Roundtable on African Debt, Relief, Recovery and Demobilization - Parliamentarians for Global Action, Abidjan held on July 8-9, 1991.

  96. Managing Asia's External Debt: K.D.I - A.D.B. Seminar, Seoul, held on May 14-17, 1991.

  97. External Debt Structural Adjustment and Development: UNCTC Workshop on Debt and External Resource Mobilization and Management at Antigua, held on October 22-24, 1990.

  98. External Debt and Development Process: UNITAR-EADB Workshop on Debt Management at Kampala and Dar-Es-Salam, held on January 1990.

  99. Borrowings from the World Bank: Kenya Treasury - World Bank Debt Management Seminar, Nairobi, held on October 1989.

  100. Organizing for Efficient Debt Management: World Bank Debt Systems Conference, Paris, held on April 1989.

  101. Fiscal Policy and External Debt: Arab Monetary Fund, Abu Dhabi, held in March 1989.

  102. Developing Countries Debt - Trends and Prospects: (with J. Baneth): Japan Center for International Finance, Tokyo, held in February 1989.

(June 2016-Feb 2017)

  1. OPEN Summit, Leesburg, Virginia, July 11

  1. KE Alumni Association Annual Dinner National Harbor, Aug 5

  2. Graduate Student seminar, SAIS, Sept 22.

  3. Edhi Memorial panel, World Bank, Sept 27

  4. Global Islamic Finance Report launch, World Bank, Oct 6

  5. Convention of Pakistani Americans, Pakistan Embassy, Oct 8

  6. World Bank-IMF Pakistani Staff Association, Nov 2

  7. Rice University Baker Institute, Houston, Nov 8

  8. American Pakistan Foundation-Wilson Center panel, Houston, Nov 9

  9. US Institute of Peace panel on US assistance to Pakistan, Nov 16

  10. George Washington University Pakistani Students Association, Dec 5

  11. Work in progress presentation at Woodrow Wilson Center Dec 6

  12. Woodrow Wilson Annual Conference on Pakistan January 10,2017

  13. Lecture at 1818 H Society World Bank January 12

  14. Key note speaker Hunar Foundation event January 14

  15. Presentation and interactive discussion with the officials of US State Department, Treasury, Commerce Departments January 17

  16. Addressed the USAID Alumni Association /DACOR January 25

  17. Panellist at World Bank workshop on Bangladesh February 6

  18. Brown Bag Public Lecture George Mason University Feb 15

  19. Speaker at Emerging Markets Lab SAIS, Johns Hopkins University Feb 22

  20. Graduate Students Asia Program Rand Corporation, Los Angeles Feb 27

  21. American-Pakistan Foundation panel at Los Angeles Feb 28


  1. Institute of South Asian Studies Conference, Singapore, July 15-20

  2. Global Islamic Finance Conference, Karachi, Sept 2-11

  3. Chaired the Board meeting of AAOIFI, Bahrain, Sept 28-Oct 2

  4. High level Selection Committee meeting, IDB, Jeddah, Oct 24-25

  5. Commencement speaker at the Graduation ceremony Karachi School of Business and Leadership Dec 17


  1. Nigeria's Need for Economic Policy Reforms: - at the Annual Conference of the Senior Managers of the United Africa Company, Lagos, held on November 27, 1987.

  1. The Role of International Financial Institutions: - at the National Debate on IMF Loan - held by Chase Merchant Bank, Lagos, held on September 25, 1987.

  2. Priorities and Incentives for Agriculture in Nigeria: at the Seminar on Nigeria's Economic Recovery - held by the Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce and the African-American Institute held on September 2-25, 1987.

  1. Current Economic Situation: Donors Meeting at Lagos held on September 17, 1987.

  1. Nigeria and the IMF Loan: Luncheon Meeting of the Executive Directors of UAC (Nigeria), Lagos, held on September 16, 1987.

  1. Rural Development in Less Developed Countries: The Nigerian Experience: Keynote address at the Nigerian Association of Masters of Business Administration Lecture series, Lagos, held on May 16, 1987.

  1. Debt Rescheduling and the World Bank: South Conference on Nigeria: Prospects and Possibilities, London, held on March 30-31, 1987.

  1. Prospects for Agriculture Exports in the Medium-Term: Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce Seminar, Enugu, held on March 18, 1987.

  1. Challenges and Opportunities for industrial Development in Nigeria: Henry Fajemirokun Memorial Lecture, N.I.I.A., Lagos, held on March 12, 1987.

  1. International Organizations and Nigeria's Agriculture Development: Fifth Annual Lecture by Agriculture and Rural Management Training Institute (ARMTI), Ilorin held on February 21, 1987.

  1. Global Economy and Nigeria: at Senior Managers' Conference of the International Bank for West Africa (IBWA), Lagos held on February 13, 1987.

  1. Economic Outlook for Nigeria: at Senior Managers' Conference of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Lagos held on January 30, 1987.

  1. 1987 Budget: An Overview at the Budget Seminar organized by Arthur Andersen & Co., Lagos, held on January 1987.

  1. An Overview of Public Finance: National Workshop on Public Expenditure programming in Nigeria at Ibadan - organized by NCEMA, Federal Ministry of National Planning held on December 2, 1986.

  1. Essential Drugs: Federal Ministry of Health Workshop on Essential Drugs, Lagos, held on December I, 1986.

  1. Non-oil Exports: Opportunities and Strategies for Financing and Marketing Lagos Chamber of Commerce Seminar, Lagos, (October 12, 1986).

  1. The Experience of World Bank in Oil Palm Development in Various States: International Conference on Oil Palm, Port Harcourt held on October 11, 1986.

  1. Health Care Financing: Nigerian Medical Association, Lagos, held on September 17, 1986.

  1. Prospects for Nigerian Economy: International Advertising Association Luncheon, Lagos, held on September 11, 1986.

  1. Primary Health Care Financing: Workshop on Primary Health Care by the Federal Ministry of Health at Ibadan, held on July 8, 1986.

  1. Export Drive and Counter-Trade: The Microeconomic Perspective: Eko Holiday Inn Gold Medal Series, Lagos, held on March 14, 1986.

  1. Agriculture Development Projects in Nigeria: Recent Experience and Lessons for Future: Nigerian-Arab Bank Seminar on Finance, Abeokuta, held on February 14, 1986.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation in Agriculture Projects: at the ARMTI Workshop for Senior Managers, Ilorin, held on November 6, 1985.

  1. Options for Resuming Nigeria's Economic Growth: at the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Chambers of Commerce, Lagos, held on September 11, 1985.

  1. Outlook for Nigerian Economic Situation in the Medium-Term: at the Business International Nigeria Group Meeting, Lagos, held on June 12-13, 1985.

  1. World Bank and Nigeria’s Agriculture Development: at the National Conference on Conference on Village Adoption Scheme, Nsukka, held on June 4, 1985.

  1. Public Enterprises in Select African Countries: Lessons of Experience: at the Annual Conference of Chief Executives of Nigerian Public Enterprises, Jos held on May 29, 1985.

  1. Prospects for Agriculture Development in Nigeria: Guest Lecture at the Annual Conference of the Nigerian Economics Students Association April 23, 1985.

  1. Reorientation of Industrial Policy in Nigeria: Keynote Address at the Association of Nigerian Development Finance Institutions Conference, Lagos, held on March 7, 1985.

  1. Population and Development at the World Development Report Launching Seminar at Lagos, held on October 23, 1984.

  1. Strategies for the Development of Small Scale Industries at the Annual Conference of the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria, Lagos, held on July 13, 1984.

  1. Management for Development at the University of Ife Seminar on World Development Report held on June 6-7, 1984.


  1. "Transition from Family Owned Structure to Corporate Structure", Allied Bank seminar at Larkana, February 20, 2025

  2. "China and Pakistan: Pathway to future economic relations", at the International Conference on Regional Connectivity and Pakistan organized by Pakistan-China Institute held at Islamabad on February 18, 2025

  3. "Sir Syed Memorial Lecture at AERC international conference", at Karachi on February 12, 2025

  4. "Presentation at EDI Directors Training course", at Lahore February 10, 2025

  5. "Population Growth and Weak Human Capital", Remarks delivered at the Dialogue organized by the Pakistan Business Council at Islamabad on January 28, 2025

  6. "Missed Opportunities : The High Price of ignoring Population Dynamics", Remarks delivered at the Discussion organized by the Population Council on the occasion of 25th Annual Population Research Conference held at Karachi on December 4, 2024

  7. "Keynote address delivered at International Conference on Islamic Banking and Finace held at Institute of Business Management at Karachi", on November 15, 2024

  8. "Pakistan Key note address delivered at the SCB Majlis", held at Karachi on October 23, 2024

  9. "Keynote address delivered at the Mediation Seminar", organized by IBA CEE at Karachi on May 3, 2024

  10. "Key note address delivered at Leadership in Islamabad Summit" , held at Islamabad on April 23, 2024

  11. "The role of firms in Enhancing Economic Competitiveness", 24th Convention of the Management Association of Pakistan at Karachi, Ishrat Husain, April 18, 2024

  12. "Opening address at Pakistan Media summit 2024", Ishrat Husain, April 16, 2024

  13. "Keynote address delivered at the International Conference on Business", Economics and Management (ICBEM-24) held at Sukkur IBA University on March 8, 2024

  14. "Ramping up exports; Strategy and Direction", Seminar on Ramping up Exports organized by Humanex at Karachi, March 7, 2024

  15. "Keynote address delivered at SAARC Finance Seminar", held at Islamabad on March 6, 2024

  16. "Convocation address at Namal University", February 18, 2024

  17. "Keynote address delivered at the Asian Management Research and case study conference", held at Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore on Friday, January 12, 2024

  18. "Inflation: Causes and Consequences", Seminar on Inflation organized by Humanex at Karachi, August 26, 2023

  19. "Civil service reforms in Transition economies The case of Pakistan keynote address at the webinar jointly sponsored by NSGG of South Africa and NSPP", at Lahore on October 27 , 2022

  20. "Keynote address delivered at International Conference on Business, Economics and Education Management", held at Sukkur on October 22, 2022

  21. "Keynote address at Roundtable organized by COPAIR", at Islamabad on October 5, 2022

  22. "Fatima Jinnah Memorial Lecture delivered at the international Conference", held at FJW University Rawalpindi on October 4, 2022

  23. " Akhter Hameed Khan memorial lecture delivered ", at Islamabad on March 15, 2022

  24. "Perspective on Islamic Finance", Address at the Round Table Conference IV organized by Pakistan Observer on August 21, 2021

  25. "Chief Guest address delivered at the launch of NBFI- Modarabas Report ", at IBA Karachi on January 25, 2021

  26. "Chief guest address at the launch of Global Islamic Economy Report", at IBA Karachi on December 30, 2020

  27. "Chief guest address at Annual Islamic Finance Conference", organized by Institute of Business Management, Karachi November 4, 2020

  28. "Key note address delivered at the SBP launch ceremony", of FX approval held at Karachi on October 16, 2020

  29. "Chief guest address at International Workshop", organized by COMSTECH, Islamabad on January 28, 2020

  30. "Internationalization of RMB - key note address delivered at international Conference on RMB internationalization", held at University of Lahore on January 20, 2020

  31. "Pakistan's Macro economy: Current situation and Way forward Public talk delivered under Distinguished Lecture series", at the Institute of strategic Studies, Islamabad on December 26, 2019

  32. "15th Convocation address", delivered at National University of Modern Languages Islamabad on December 21, 2019

  33. "Islamic Finance and Financial Inclusion Chief guest address delivered at 3rd International Conference on Islamic banking and finance", organized by Institute of Business Management Karachi on November 6, 2019

  34. "Key note address delivered at the SAARC Finance seminar on Emerging trends in Corporate governance", held at Islamabad on December 18, 2019

  35. "Ethics: Key pillar for reshaping Pakistan's future;" Chief guest address at the ACCA and CFA Society seminar on Global Ethics Day held at Islamabad on October 16, 2019

  36. "Book talk at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology", Jamshoro October 4, 2019

  37. "Keynote address delivered at South Asia Management Forum" held at IBA Sukkur on September 27, 2019

  38. "Vision for the Cities; Keynote address delivered at the PRIME-HABITAT", held at Islamabad on August 28, 2019 

  39. "Concluding address at the 25th Convocation of Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture", held at Karachi on December 8, 2018 

  40. "IBA Convocation address", delivered at Karachi on December 1st, 2018 

  41. "LUMS Convocation address", delivered at Lahore on June 30, 2018 

  42. "Comments on National Water Policy", at the Roundtable organized by CCSOC at Islamabad on May 14, 2018 

  43. "The role of judiciary in Economic Development, Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment": A paper presented at the 8th Judicial Conference held at Islamabad on May 5, 2018

  44. "CPEC Dynamics of Economy and Finance", Session Chair opening remarks at CPEC Summit organized by DAWN and Planning Division on April 24, 2018

  45. "Development beyond seventy", Key note address delivered at the 12th Sustainable Development Conference organized by SDPI at Islamabad on December 5, 2017 word document

  46. "Analysis of Pakistan’s Debt Situation: 2000-2017", Keynote address delivered at the 4th National Debt Conference organized by PRIME Institute at Islamabad on October 26, 2017 word document

  47. "Economy of Pakistan: Past and Future", A paper prepared for presentation at the Seminar on Interplay of Security and Economy organized by ISPR and FPCCI at Karachi on October 11, 2017 word document

  48. "Pakistan Family Businesses: Challenges and Conflicts": Key note address delivered at Family Business Conference held at Karachi on September 27, 2017 word document

  49. "Governance Reforms in Government, Public Sector, Regulatory bodies", Conference on Human Governance for Business, Islamabad, Jan 21 word document

  50. "Economic Growth, Development and Resilience Building", LEAD Conference, Islamabad, Feb 21 word document

  51. "A road map for private sector participation in Defence Industry", A paper presented at the DEPO Workshop held at Islamabad on Dec 2, 2015 word document

  52. "Social and Economic Consequences of Climate Change in Pakistan", Key note speech at Lahore Forum on October13, 2015 word document

  53. "China Pakistan Economic Corridor", Speech at the Passion for Pakistan panel on One Belt and One Road delivered at Karachi on September 22, 2015 word document

  54. "Good Governance is Good politics", Chief Guest Address to the Elite of the City of Karachi at the English Speaking Union of Pakistan on February 19, 2015 word document

  55. "How to reform the Civil services in Pakistan?" - Special lecture delivered at the University of Karachi on February 19, 2015 word document

  56. "Deliverable Democratic Governance", Chief Guest address at the launching ceremony of the book “Permanent Revolution – Managing for Deliverable Democracy” by late Syed Mumtaz Saeed held at Karachi on February 18, 2015 word document

  57. "Trading and Energy Corridors", A paper presented at the International Seminar on “Crossroads Asia: Dynamics of Peace and Progress” organized by the National Defence University at Islamabad on February 11, 2015 word document

  58. "A Road Map for Governance Reforms", Keynote address delivered at Pakistan Governance Forum 2014 held at Islamabad on December 22, 2014 by the Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms.

  59. "Towards a Supreme Audit Institution", A paper presented at the International Conference on Public Financial Management organized by ICAP at Islamabad on November 24, 2014

  60. "Pathways to Sustainable Development", Special Lecture delivered at the SDPI Annual Conference at Islamabad on December 9, 2014

  61. "Economic Consequences of Judicial Actions", Keynote address at the Judiciary Conference in Islamabad, 18-19 April, 2014

  62. "The Economy of Sindh", Keynote speech at the International Conferences on Sind through centuries, Karachi, March 24-26, 2014 word document

  63. "Value Chain in Management Education", Key note address at the International Conference on Business held at Sukkur, Feb 21-22, 2014 word document

  64. "Education Reforms in Pakistan", Policy Dialogue organized by the British Council, Islamabad January 30, 2014 word document

  65. Urbanization In Pakistan”, Keynote address delivered at South Asia Cities Conference and Pakistan Urban Forum held at Karachi on Jan 9, 2014 word document

  66. "Microfinance for Inclusive Growth", Key note address at Microfinance Summit held at Islamabad, July 9, 2013 word document

  67. "The Impact of Euro Crisis on SAARC countries", Key note address delivered at SAARC Governors Symposium held at Islamabad on June 18, 2013 word document

  68. "An agenda for Reviving Islamic Finance" , Key note address at Global Forum on Islamic Finance organized by COMSATS Institute at Islamabad on March 13, 2013 word document

  69. "Economic Reforms in Pakistan – One Step Forward , Two Steps Backward",  Quaid-e -Azam Lecture delivered at the Annual Conference of the Pakistan Society for Development Economists held at Islamabad, Nov 15, 2012  word document

  70. "Impact of Privatization on Sustainable Development", Keynote address at KESC Thought Leaders Forum held at Karachi on September 13, 2012 word document

  71. "Positioning Capital markets for Emerging companies", Pakistan IPO Summit , Karachi, July 14,2012 word document

  72. "Global Financial Crisis", Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance Seminar on Corporate Governance Karachi, July 12, 2102

  73. "Adapting Public Sector Services to Local Delivery", Lahore School of Economics Annual Conference, Lahore, May 17, 2012 word document

  74. "Business, Society, Science and Technology", Keynote address at the International Conference on Management, UMT, Lahore, March 28, 2012 word document

  75. "Agriculture Productivity and Economic Development", Key note address at DAWN Agri Pak Conference held at Karachi on Feb 11, 2012 word document

  76. "Redefining Governance", Paper read at the SDPI Fourteenth Annual Conference held at Islamabad on Dec 13, 2011 word document

  77. The Role of Contractual Savings in Pakistan’s Economy, Pakistan Insurance and Takaful Conference held at Karachi on Sept 6, 2011  word document

  78. Civil Service Reform in Pakistan, International Conference on Growth, Planning Commission, Islamabad July 13, 2011  word document

  79. Delineating Roles within the Sector,, Key note address at Microfinance Network Roundtable held at Islamabad on July 8, 2011 word document

  80. Models of Local Democracy within a Federal System, Commonwealth Local Government Forum held at Karachi on July 6, 2011 word document

  81. "Enabling Environment for Entrepreneurship", Opening remarks at the INSEAD Alumni Association Conference at Karachi, May 7, 2011 word document

  82. "Economic Growth and Intellectual Property",  Address at the World Intellectual Property Day Islamabad, April 26,  2011 word document

  83. Long term Economic Direction and Consistency of Economic policies, Lecture delivered at Applied economics Research centre Karachi March1,  2011 word document

  84. 2009 Pay and Commission report, Lecture delivered at National Management College, Lahore Feb 25,  2011  word document

  85. Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Key note address at MIT Enterprise Forum held at Karachi on Dec 11, 2010 word document

  86. Pakistan's Economy and the Impacy of Flood, The World in 2011 Jang Group/ The Economist word document

  87. Acumen Fund Pakistan, Key note address delivered at the Annual Community Gathering of Acumen Fund held at Karachi on Dec 4, 2010 word document

  88. East and Central Europe: The Impact of 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis, University of Karachi on November 24-25, 2010 word document

  89. Managing Government-Business relation in Pakistan, Management Association of Pakistan, Karachi Nov 23, 2010 word document

  90. Institutions for Market Governance and Doing Business, Private Sector Task force, Islamabad Oct 29, 2010 word document

  91. Economic stability and Growth, Command and Staff college, Quetta Oct 21, 2010 word document

  92. Pakistan’s Economic challenges and the present Economic framework, National Defence University, Islamabad Oct 18, 2010 word document

  93. Economic challenges for Post flood Economy, Jinnah Institute Conference, Islamabad Sept 23, 2010 word document

  94. Trade and Human Development, Keynote address at the Launching ceremony of Human development in South Asia  Report 2009, Lahore, June 29, 2010 word document

  95. Islam and the Future of Economics, Keynote address at the Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance, Karachi, June 26, 2010 word document

  96. Business in new environment, Keynote address at the CFO Conference organized by the ICAP, Karachi, March 11, 2010 word document

  97. Pakistan Economy: Challenges and Prospects: Invited address at the Command and Staff College, Quetta on Sept 4, 2009 word document

  98. Economic policies under Shoaib: Delivered as Shoaib Memorial Lecture at ICMAP at Karachi on August 10, 2009  word document

  99. Recent Privatizations in Pakistan and their impact: Address delivered at the Conference on privatization organized by the Privatization Commission at Islamabad on July 3, 2009 word document

  100. Technology and Poverty reduction: Key note address delivered at the Launching ceremony of Human Development Report South Asia at Islamabad on July 2, 2009 word document

  101. Pakstan Experience with the IMF: A paper presented at IBA Conference on Pakistan Economy and  the IMF held at Karachi on May 31, 2009 word document

  102. From Global Financial Meltdown to Global Economic Crisis: Chief guest’s key note addressed at the Seminar organized by Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (ICMAP) held at Karachi on Feb. 6, 2009 word document

  103. Global Financial Meltdown: Genesis, Consequences and Lessons: Seminar organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) at Karachi on October 23, 2008word document 

  104. Pakistan’s growth experience 1947-2007 (2008)

  105. word document
  106. Economics Governance: Paper presented at Conference on Pakistan economy organized by NDU at Islamabad Nov. 4, 2008. word document

  107. Public policy and Social Sciences: Paper presented at GCU Conference on the State of Social Sciences held at Lahore March 27, 2008. word document

  108. Evolution of Islamic Finance: Sustaining  Global Growth (2007)

  109. word document

  110. Perils to Pakistan’s competiveness (2007)

  111. word document
  112. Islamic Finance, Inclusive, Growth and Poverty Alleviation: Keynote address at the 3rd
    Annual International Conference on Islamic Banking organized by Islamic Capital Partner, Karachi, November 7, 2007word document

  113. Regional Cooperation in Asia Options for Pakistan: Keynote address at the International Seminar on Regional Cooperation in Asia organized by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute and Hans Seidel Foundation at Islamabad, September 6, 2007. word document

  114. Approach to Civil Service Reform: Paper prepared for discussion with the 87th National Management Course participants at National Management College, Lahore, September 13, 2007. word document

  115. Trade Liberalization, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction: Keynote address at National Seminar on  Trade and Growth Linkage organized by Quaid-e-Azam University at Islamabad, June 27, 2007. word document

  116. Reforming the Government in Pakistan Rationale, Principles and Proposed Approach Keynote address at the Annual Conference on Management of Pakistani Economy, Lahore School of Economics, May 2, 2007. word document

  117. Poverty in South Asia Seminar: The Tyranny of Measurement and Crisis of Governance Mehboob ul Haq Human Development Centre, Islamabad, May 26, 2007. word document

  118. Broad Based Strategy for Overseas Pakistanis in the Development of Pakistan Overseas Pakistanis Investment Conference, Islamabad, March 5, 2007. word document

  119. Prospects for Japanese Investors in Pakistan Key note address at the Joint Business Dialogues between PJBF & JPBCC at Karachi on 24th January, 2007. word document

  120. Role of Civil Bureaucracy in Socio-Political Context of Pakistan Lecture delivered at the National Defense College, Islamabad on November 20, 2006.

  121. Development of Asian Bond Markets. Keynote address at the Asia Consultative Group Annual General Meeting at Karachi on November 9, 2006. word document

  122. Islamic Financial Markets: Positioned for Growth At 2nd Islamic Banking and Money Market Conference at Karachi November 8, 2006. word document

  123. Approaches to Government Reforms. Lecture delivered at the 85th National Management Course of Pakistan Administrative Staff College at Lahore on October 18, 2006.

  124. Globalization Challenges to Pakistan Economy: Lecture delivered at Foreign Service Academy, Islamabad on October 9, 2006.

  125. The Future of Kashf: Paper presented at the 10th anniversary celebration of Kashf Foundation held at Lahore on September 4, 2006.

  126. Human Security and Governance: Chief Guest address at the launching of Human Development in South Asia Report 2006 held at Islamabad on August 30, 2006.

  127. Why do we fear Globalization? Chief Guest address at the SPDC – DFID seminar held at Lahore on July 31, 2006.

  128. Economy of Pakistan and Impact of Earthquake on GDP Growth: Speech delivered to the officers of Lahore Garrison organized by the 4 Corps Hqrs, Lahore on July 15, 2006.

  129. The Perils Of Higher Skill Shortages For Pakistan’s Economy - What Can We Do About It? Chief Guest Address at the Prize Distribution Ceremony of the Institute of Bankers, Pakistan held at Karachi on November 26, 2005.

  130. Monetary-Cum-Exchange Rate Regime - What Works Best For Emerging Market Economies? Keynote Address at the SBP Conference on Monetary-cum-Exchange Rate Regime held at Karachi on 14 November, 2005.

  131. Culture, Ethics and Values in the Banking System: Presidential address at the 55th Annual General Meeting of the institutes of Bankers of Pakistan held at Karachi on September 17, 2005.

  132. Why Privatization is necessary for Economic Growth in Pakistan. Address as Chief Guest at the 11th Get Together of the Overseas Universities Alumni Club and the 21st Century Business & Economics Club on August 12, 2005 at Karachi.

  133. What is happening to Pakistan’s External Sector? Lecture delivered at the 82nd National Management Course of Pakistan Administrative Staff College at Lahore on June 21, 2005.

  134. Pakistan’s Budget for 2005-06 : Links with Strategic Framework. Presidential Address delivered at the Budget Breakfast Forum organized by the Institute of Bankers, Pakistan at Karachi on June 8, 2005.

  135. The Health Challenge in Pakistan: Prognosis and Prescription. Chief Guest Address at the Launching of Human Development Report of South Asia organized by Mahbubul Haq Center for Human Development at Islamabad on May 30, 2005.

  136. Distributing Benefits of Growth to the Majority. Presidential Address at the Pre-Budget Seminar held by Pakistan Observer at Islamabad on May 28, 2005.

  137. National Economy and Impact of Foreign Aid. Lecture delivered at No. 18 Air War College, Karachi on May 20, 2005.

  138. 34th Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Asian Clearing Union. Welcome Address delivered at the Inaugural Ceremony held at Lahore on May 16, 2005.

  139. SME Financing: Issues and Strategies. Welcome Address at the Conference of SME Financing held in Lahore on May 10, 2005.

  140. Globalization, Regional Integration and National Development: Where does South Asia Stand? Inaugural Address delivered at the Valedictory Session of the South Asian Federation of Accountants held at Karachi on May 6, 2005.

  141. Sustainable Growth in Financial Sector of Pakistan. Address as Chief Guest at the Symposium organized by the Public Relations Management Group at Karachi on April 29, 2005.

  142. Key Issues in Managing Pakistan’s Economy: Inaugural Address delivered at the Seminar organized by the Lahore School of Economics, Lahore on April 28, 2005.

  143. Financing Human Development in Pakistan: Address delivered at the Pakistan Development Forum held in Islamabad on April 25, 2005.

  144. Pre-Budget Conference: Address as Chief Guest at the Conference held in Karachi on April 9, 2005.

  145. Economic Cooperation in Asia: Chairman’s Address at the High Level Seminar organized on the occasion of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue held at Islamabad on April 5, 2005.

  146. Progress and Prospects on Anti-Money Laundering: Welcome Speech delivered at Seminar on Anti-Money Laundering held at Islamabad on March 29, 2005.

  147. Economy of Pakistan: An Overview. Keynote address delivered at the Expo 2005 Conference held at Karachi on February 3, 2005.

  148. Corporate Governance in the Financial Sector: Session Chairman’s Address at the Seminar organized by the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at Karachi on January 28, 2005.

  149. Unleashing Entrepreneurship: Address as the Chief Guest at the Launching of UN Secretary General’s Report held at Karachi on December 28, 2004.

  150. Global Partnership for Development: Address as the Chairman at the Plenary Session of the First International Conference on Volunteerism and Millennium Development held at Islamabad on December 7, 2004.

  151. Comparison of Pakistani Economy with Asian Economies: Keynote address delivered at the 12th General Council and General Body Meeting of the Asia Oceania Tax Consultants Association held at Karachi on November 26, 2004.

  152. Pakistan Financial Sector: A Roadmap for 2005-2010. Keynote address delivered at the 54th Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Bankers, Pakistan held at Karachi on October 14, 2004.

  153. Fostering Good Corporate Governance. Address as the Chief Guest at Best Corporate Reports Award Ceremony organized jointly by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan held at Karachi on August 12, 2004.

  154. Developing Human Resources for the Financial Sector. Key note address delivered at the Launching of Masters in Banking Services Degree Program at the University of Faisalabad, held at Faisalabad on August 11, 2004.

  155. Vision for Pakistan’s Financial Service Industry. Address as the Chief Guest at the Ceremony to announce the Joint Venture Partnership between BMA Capital and Abraaj Capital held at Karachi on July 29, 2004.

  156. Reducing Poverty or Redistributing Income? Inaugural address at the Pre-Budget Seminar held by The Nation at Lahore on May 26, 2004.

  157. Sustainability of Pakistan's Economic Fundamentals. Speech delivered at the Oil and Gas Conference 2004 held at Islamabad on May 3, 2004.

  158. Why Lend to Small and Medium Enterprises? Inaugural address at the IFC sponsored Training Workshop for SME Lending held at the Institute of Bankers, Pakistan held at Karachi on April 12, 2004.

  159. Marketing Pakistan’s Image. Speech delivered at the Rotoract Club held at Karachi on April 12, 2004.

  160. Financial Sector in Pakistan – The Way Forward. Address at the Forty-Ninth Annual General Meeting Institute of Bankers, Pakistan held on March 25, 2004.

  161. Financing For Infrastructure Projects. A paper presented at the Pakistan Development Forum held at Islamabad on March 19, 2004.

  162. Foreign Reserves and the Common Man. A paper presented at Pakistan Administrative Staff College on March 11, 2004.

  163.  Why Pakistan should exit the IMF Programme? Reproduced from article published in the Daily DAWN on February 29, and March 1, 2004.

  164. Financial Sector Reforms and Pro-Poor Growth: Case Study of Pakistan. Speech delivered at the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Bankers of Pakistan held at Karachi on February 21, 2004. PDF

  165. Lessons for Poverty Reduction – The Experience of Aga Khan Rural Support Programme. Keynote Address delivered at the International Conference on Lessons in Development – The Experience of AKRSP held at Islamabad on December 15, 2003.

  166. Banking Sector Developments, Challenges and Opportunities. Keynote address at IBC Gulf Conference - Investing in Pakistan at Islamabad on December 9, 2003.

  167. Industrial Competitiveness: Bench Marking Pakistan. Opening remarks at the Pakistan's Resident Mission - Asian Development Bank Institute High Policy Forum held at Karachi on November 20, 2003.

  168. SME Financing - Issue and Prospects. Keynote address at the SMEDA-IBP seminar on "Issue of SME Financing" held at Lahore on October 24, 2003.

  169. Human Resource Management in Practice – A Case Study of State Bank of Pakistan. Address at the National Conference on Human Resources held at Karachi on October, 18, 2003.

  170. Development Strategy of Punjab. Speech delivered at the Punjab Development Forum, Lahore, on September 16, 2003.

  171. Housing Finance in Pakistan: Progress, Prospects and Problems. Keynote Address on the occasion of Housing Finance Workshop organized by the World Bank and International Finance Corporation at Karachi on August 20, 2003.

  172. An Analysis of the Bank's Write-off (1999-2003). Institute of Bankers, Pakistan, Prize Award Ceremony held at Karachi on July 26, 2003.

  173. Seminar Exhibition on Technological Innovation in the financial sector.

  174. Changing Paradigms of Capacity Building. Keynote Address at the International Congress on Human Resources held at Islamabad on June 7, 2003.

  175. Governor's Interview to APP News Agency on 20th June, 2003.

  176. What does Continuity of Reforms mean? A paper presented at the PILDAT Legislative Workshop on Budget process held at Islamabad on May 27, 2003.

  177. Pakistan's Export Competitiveness in Global Market Global Market. A paper presented at the Seminar on Export-led Growth Strategy organized by the Export Promotion Bureau held at Lahore on May 27, 2003.

  178. Financial Sector Reforms – Presentation made at the Pakistan Development Forum 2003 held in Islamabad on May 14, 2003.

  179. Role of Islamic Finance. Islamic Fianace & Pakistan efforts in the financial war on Terrorism on Aprl 23, 2003.

  180. Conceptual Design of Poverty Reduction Strategy in Pakistan. Symposium of Pro-Poor Policies held at Islamabad on March 17, 2003.

  181. Strategy for Development of Microfinance in Pakistan. Remarks delivered as Chief Guest at the launching ceremony of the Financial Sector strengthening program of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation held at Islamabad on February 26, 2003.

  182. A Fair, Equitable and Efficient Tax System for Pakistan. Concluding remarks at the National Conference on Tax Culture under the auspices of Income Tax Bar Association held at Karachi on February 22, 2003.

  183. The Role of The Private Sector And Government In Pakistan's Economic Development. Convocation Address at The Institute Of Business Management, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan held on February 4, 2003.

  184. Pakistan Economic Horizons, 2003 And Beyond. Closing Remarks at The Daily Times Seminar held at Karachi, on January 31, 2003.

  185. Regulatory Strategy of State Bank of Pakistan.Comments on the paper delivered by Dr. Mohsin S. Khan as Quaid e Azam lecture at the 18th Annual General Meeting of Pakistan Society of Development Economists held at Islamabad on 15th January 2003.

  186. Pakistan Poverty Assessment. Concluding remarks at the World Bank Seminar held at Karachi on January 7, 2003.

  187. Housing Finance. Welcome Address on the occasion of the inauguration of Housing Finance Conference at Karachi on December 11, 2002.

  188. Why should we avoid Populist Economic Policies? Reproduced from DAWN, issues of November 9-11, 2002

  189. Dealing with Non-Performing Loans of Banks. Reproduced from article published in the Daily DAWN on October 21-22, 2002

  190. Pakistan to issue Govt. Bonds Quaterly - Central Banks.

  191. INTERVIEW: Pakistan Ctrl Bk -2: Comfortable Reserves

  192. Banking Sector Reforms -Current Status And Future Prospects (Presidential Address at the Seminar organized by Management Association of Pakistan at Lahore held on August 31, 2002.

  193. Why does Pakistan have to Accumulate Foreign Reserves? Reproduced form Daily DAWN, Karachi: August 1, 2 and 3, 2002.

  194. Agriculture Sector Development: Problems and Issues. Inaugural address at the Financial Sector Conference on Agriculture Organized by ADBP at Karachi on June 28, 2002.

  195. Is The State Bank of Pakistan doing its Job? Inaugural address at the Pre-Budget Seminar organized by "The Nation" at Lahore on June 10, 2002.

  196. Governor's Interview. In PTV "News Nite" Programme of May 15, 2002.

  197. Strategy for External Debt Management 1999 – 2004. Address at the Institute of Bankers March 2, 2002.

  198. Bankruptcy Law. Keynote address at the Seminar organized by the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Karachi on Monday, January 28, 2002.

  199. Developing the SME Sector in Pakistan. Concluding address at the Habib Bank Seminar on 'Small and Medium Enterprises' held at Karachi on January 15, 2002.

  200. Comments on the paper Debt, Growth, Poverty in International Monetary System by Prof. Robert Mundell: at the Annual Meeting of Pakistan Society for Development Economists held at Islamabad on January 14, 2002.

  201. How is Pakistan Positioning itself for Challenges of Globalization? Paper presented at the Launch ceremony of 'Human Development in South Asia 2001 Report' by the Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre on October 29, 2001.

  202. Why Perceptions about Pakistani Economy Differ? Address at the English Speaking Union on July 5, 2001.

  203. Pakistan’s Development Challenges. Address at the Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Seminar, Human Development Centre held at Islamabad on July 16, 2001.

  204. Inaugural dinner of PICIC Commercial Bank. Address at the Inaugural Dinner of PICIC Commercial Bank On June 29, 2001.

  205. The Role Of Modarabas In Pakistan's Financial Sector. Keynote Address at the Seminar held by Modaraba Association of Pakistan held at Karachi on June 27, 2001.

  206. Macro Picture of the Budget 2000-01. Speech At The Post-Budget Seminar Organized By The Institute Of Chartered And Management Accountants On June 23, 2001.

  207. The Role of Regulators Globally in Promoting Ethical Standards. Address at Financial Market Association seminar held at PC Karachi on June 14, 2001.

  208. Economic Ties between China and Pakistan. Keynote address at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs Seminar on Pakistan-China held at Karachi on May 30, 2001.

  209. The State of the Financial Sector in Pakistan. Speech delivered at the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Bankers in Pakistan held on February 24, 2001.

  210. Towards a Strategy for Employment Oriented Human Development. Address November 25, 2000.

  211. Strengthening the Leasing Sector. Address at the International Conference on Small and Micro Leasing held at Karachi on November 2, 2000.

  212. Making Pakistan Bankable – Country S.W.O.T. Analysis. Presentation made at Oil & Gas Conference held at Islamabad on October 24, 2000.

  213. Economic Prospects and Challenges in Pakistan. Presentation made at the Z.A. Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology on October 12, 2000.

  214. Pakistan’s Balance of Payments. Presentation made at Oil & Gas Conference - 2000 held at Islamabad on October 10, 2000.

  215. Making Globalization Work for the Poor – Case Study of Pakistan. A Paper presented at the Seminar on EMP-CIDA Globalization Project launch workshop held at Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore on July 17, 2000.

  216. Impact of Globalization on Poverty in Pakistan. A Paper read at Mahbub ul Haq Memorial Seminar, Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre held at Islamabad on July 15, 2000.

  217. Economic Challenges Facing Pakistan. A lecture delivered at the Center for Development and Democracy held at Karachi on January 19, 2000.

  218. Seminar/Exhibition on Technological Innovation in the Financial Sector. Inaugural Address at the CSP Certification and Accreditation of IT Professionals held at Karachi

  219. Financial Sector in Pakistan: The Way Forward. Address at the Forty Ninth Annual General Meeting of Institue of Bankers, Pakistan held at Karachi on March 25, 2000.

External stories and comments

  1. Why Pakistan faltered, The News, December 31, 2024

  2. Shaping Pakistan's Future: Insights from a Visionary Economist

  3. Shehbaz govt considering for bureaucracy what IK regime prepared but never implemented, The News, November 11, 2024

  4. That is just scratching the surface, Profit, 15-21 July, 2024

  5. Slashing bloated bureaucracy a real challenge for Shehbaz, The News, July 07, 2024

  6. Economy, Welfare, and Reforms in Pakistan. Essays in Honour of Dr Ishrat Husain

  7. Non-Fiction: How we got here, Dawn, March 3, 2024

  8. Non-Fiction: The Clinical Economist, Dawn, August 7, 2022

  9. The life and times of Dr Ishrat Husain, Pakistan Today Profit, Issue 204, 1-7 August, 2022

  10. Biography of Dr Ishrat Husain: IBA organises book launch ceremony, Business Recorder, March 13, 2022

  11. Optimistic oracle, Dawn, February 3, 2022

  12. Dr Ishrat receives lifetime achievement award, Business Recorder, September 21, 2021

  13. Dr Ishrat explains why he has quit - Business Recorder, July 31, 2021

  14. Failure to implement approved reforms frustrated Ishrat Hussain, The News, July 31, 2021

  15. Elite capture is institutional capture, The Express Tribune, September 19th, 2020

  16. Major changes in govt financial management ushered in, Dawn, August 14, 2019

  17. Civil service reforms that work, The News, October 26, 2018

  18. Reforms: a history of the future?, The News, September 11, 2018

  19. Book Review: Governing the Ungovernable, Newsline, April Issue 2018

  20. IBA, Dr. Ishrat Husain and National Reforms, Shaharyar Azhar blog September 2015

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